Faculty of Environmental & Forest Sciences
SustainableDevelopment for a liveable environment

Our Focus is on natural sciences, environmental sciences and forest sciences with emphasis on sustainability. We strive to increase and develop research and education in our fileds of speciality.
We are working towards increasing research and innovation in education in the field with domestic and international collaboration. We focus on the field of environmental sciences and land utilisation.

Post Graduate Studies
Graduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies

Project Manager: Hlynur Óskarsson
Long-term monitoring of the occurrence of anaerobic bacteria in waters of the ports of Faxaflóahafnir.
The monitoring consists of monthly sampling of surface water in 10 stations within the ports of Faxaflóahafnir, and the samples are analysed for e. coli and enterococcus. The results are published both monthly on the Faxaflóahafnir webpage and in an annual report.
Head of Faculty: Emmanuel Pierre Pagneux
Vice Head of Faculty: Alejandro Salazar Villegas
Alejandro Salazar Villegas Assistant Professor
Anna Mariager Behrend PhD Student
Ása Lovísa Aradóttir Professor
Berglind Orradóttir Assistant Professor
Bjarni Diðrik Sigurðsson Professor
Brynja Hrafnkelsdóttir Guest Lecturer
David Hik Guest Professor
Emmanuel Pierre Pagneux Assistant Professor
Fanney Ósk Gísladóttir Assistant Professor
Hlynur Óskarsson Professor
Isabel Pilar Catalan Barrio Professor
Jóhanna Bergrúnar Ólafsdóttir Adjunkt Lecturer
Jón Guðmundsson Assistant Professor
Jónína Sigríður Þorláksdóttir PhD Student
Mariana Verdonen Postdoctoral Researcher
María Svavarsdóttir Research Specialist
Ólafur Eggertsson Associate Professor
Pavla Dagsson Waldhauserová Assistant Professor
Ragnhildur Helga Jónsdóttir Adjunct Lecturer
Ruth Phoebe Tchana Wandji PhD Student
Sólveig Sanchez PhD Student
Stephen John Hurling PhD Student
Susanne Claudia Möckel Assistant Professor
Tómas Halldórsson Alexander Specialist