Partner Universities

Extensive International Collaboration


Our International Coordinator promotes a good collaboration interantionally with Universities, Colleges and institutions around the world. There is a long history of student and staff exchanges with plans like Nordplus, Erasmus+ og NOVA. Our International Coordinator also parttakes in various collaborations on behalf of the European Union in hte field of research, education and training. 

Contact our International Coordinator for information regading oppertunities for staff or student mobility.

Head of Research and International Relations Christian Schultze
International coordinator Eva Hlín Afreðsdóttir
International Relations Specialist Lukáš Pospíšil
Project Manager Utra Mankasingh

Drop-in hours at Hvanneyri Campus: ​
Mondays 9am-3pm ​
Wednesdays 1-4:30 pm

UNIgreen Alliance


The Green European University is an Alliance of 8 European Higher Education Institutions that share the common vision of promoting excellence in Teaching, Learning, Research and Innovation in field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences. UNIgreen valorises and builds on a long-lasting collaboration to create an integrated European University supporting the green economy, which will be possible through the European Universities initiative of the Erasmus+ Programme.

The Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network


The NOVA network is a university cooperation aimed at supporting the understanding of major global challenges in a Nordic context. Together we provide high quality PhD-level courses in subjects related to agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences, and support PhD- and post-graduate veterinarian specialisation students and NOVA’s scientists in building international scientific networks.

Our Partner Institutions

NOVA University Network members

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (Swedish University of Agricultural Science), Sweden (SLU)

Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Norway (NMBU)

Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands (Agricultural University of Iceland), Iceland (LBHI)

University of Copenhagen - PLEN

Aarhus University - QGG

University of Eastern Finland - Forest and EnvBio

Helsingin yliopisto - Eläinlääketieteellinen tiedekunta (University of Helsinki - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), Finland, (UH-V)

Helsingin yliopisto - Maatalous-metsätieteellinen tiedekunta (University of Helsinki - Faculty of Agricultura and Forestry), Finland, (UH-AF)

BOVA University Network Members

Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) 
Estonian University of Life Sciences is the only university in  Estonia whose priorities in academic and research activities  provide the sustainable development of natural resources  necessary for the existence of Man as well as the preservation of  heritage and habitat.

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU)
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies is a higher education and science establishment of the Republic of Latvia, where scientific research as well as academic and professional study programmes are carried out.
The main goal of the University is to create intellectual potential for providing sustainable development of Latvia and its countryside in particular while becoming and up-to date, internationally recognized and prestigious university, which actively integrates into the united European space of higher education and science.

Vytautas Magnus University  - Agriculture Academy (VMU-AA)
VMU Agriculture Academy is a state institution of higher education and research, which is constantly improving its activity and meeting the highest expectations of society needs. At present it has over 5000 students in a wide range of study programmes of biomedicine, technologies and social sciences.

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences - Veterinary Academy (LSMU-VA)
The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences is the largest university-type school in Lithuania preparing health specialists. It unites the Veterinary Academy and the Medical Academy.
Christian Schultze
Christian Schultze Head of International Relations & Research
Eva Hlín Alfreðsdóttir
Eva Hlín AlfreðsdóttirInternational Relations Officer

Knowledge in the field of sustainable use of resources, environment, planning and food production.


Hvanneyri - 311 Borgarbyggð
Phone 433-5000
Kt. 411204-3590
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