Open Workshop in Hvanneyri at the Agricultural University of Iceland on Circular principles in landscape architecture

Open workshop on Circular principles in landscape architecture

The workshop, which took place in Hvanneyri on 5th September, showed inclusive visions to produce and build on behalf of the inhabitants through the design processes and the management of the various ecologies according to scientific and social principles.

Open workshop on circular principles in landscape architecture
After a lecture from Jakob Sandell Sorensen guests were divided into groups wich discussed various aspects of a self-sustained Agricultural University campus


Guest Lecturer Jakob Sandell Sorensen, Head of Sustainability at Schorner (DK), spoke about ´Circular principles in landscape architecture‘, showing how we can assimilate the multiple components of our design, realising the visions and needs of the population and using materials creatively and responsibly.

From right, Jakob Sandel Sorensen, Daniel Jakobsson from FÍLA, Ulla R. Pedersen from FÍLA, Samson Harðarson lecturer at AUI behind and Daniele Stefano lecturer at AUI, Helena Guttormsdóttir lecturer at AUI and Hermann Gunnlaugsson on the left, programme director in landscape architecture at AUI.


The course was held in collaboration with FÍLA – Félag Íslenska Landslagsarkitekta and Grænni Byggð – Green Building Council Iceland, included many students and professionals worked together to plan, design and manage the interactions between the natural and cultural environment in Hvanneyri. It resulted in circular economy project: ´Self-Sustained Agricultural University Campus´. Implementing circular economy into projects can be undertaken at all scales, achieving adaptation and mitigation related to current crises in climate change.

More info here 




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