Við leitum eftir lektor í kynbótafræðum

Störf í boði - Lektor í kynbótafræðum

Laust er til umsóknar starf lektors í kynbótafræðum við deild Ræktunar og fæðu hjá Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands. Deild Ræktunar og fæðu sinnir rannsóknum, nýsköpun og kennslu á fræðasviðum búvísinda og umhverfisfræða. --English below--

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð

  • Byggja upp alþjóðlega viðurkenndar rannsóknir í hagnýtri erfðafræði og kynbótum
  • Birta ritrýndar vísindagreinar, afla rannsóknarstyrkja og taka virkan þátt í alþjóðlegu og innlendu samstarfi
  • Kennsla og þróun námskeiða á grunn- og framhaldsstigi
  • Leiðbeina nemendum í rannsóknarverkefnum
  • Taka virkan þátt í störfum deildar eftir því sem þörf krefur


  • Doktorspróf í kynbótafræðum (stofnerfðafræði)
  • Háskólapróf í búvísindum
  • Þekking og ræktun búfjár og nytjaplantna á norðlægum slóðum
  • Reynsla af kennslu, ásamt getu og vilja til fjölbreyttrar þekkingarmiðlunar á fræðasviðinu
  • Skýr framtíðarsýn varðandi rannsóknir og þróun fræðasviðsins
  • Geta til að vinna sjálfstætt og sem hluti af hóp
  • Samstarfshæfni og lipurð í samskiptum

Frekari upplýsingar um starfið

Laun samkvæmt gildandi kjarasamningi sem fjármála- og efnahagsráðherra og viðkomandi stéttarfélag hafa gert. Starfshlutfall er 100%

Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 21.03.2022

Nánari upplýsingar veita

  • Guðmunda Smáradóttir - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 433 5000
  • Þóroddur Sveinsson - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 433 5000

Smelltu hér til að sækja um starfið


Assistant Professor in breeding at the Agricultural University of Iceland

The position of Assistant Professor in breeding at the Agricultural University of Iceland is open for applications. The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences conducts research, innovation and teaching in the fields of applied agricultural and environmental sciences.

Main tasks and responsibility

  • Construct internationally acknowledged research in applied genetics and breeding
  • Publish peer-reviewed scientific papers, raise research grants, and actively participate in international and national collaborations
  • Teach and develop courses at undergraduate and post-graduate level
  • Supervise students in research projects
  • Participate in the enhancement of research and development activities within the University

Skills requirements

  • PhD degree in breeding (quantitative genetics)
  • University degree in agricultural sciences
  • Knowledge of the cultivation of livestock and agricultural crops in Nordic areas
  • Teaching experience, together with the ability and willingness for diverse knowledge dissemination in the field
  • A clear vision for applied research and development in the field
  • Ability to work independently and as a part of a group
  • Collaborative skills and social agility

Further information will be supplied by

  • Guðmunda Smáradóttir, Human Resources and Quality Manager at AUI This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Þóroddur Sveinsson, Head of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The application deadline is 21st March 2022

Applicants must enclose with their application a certificate of their academic career and work, a bibliography, a report on scientific work and other work they have done, a cover letter including information on research emphases and ideas for teaching methods/development of knowledge dissemination in the field. Attention is drawn to the fact that according to AUI's rules, the Rector may grant promotion to the position of associate professor or professor immediately upon new appointment if the applicant meets the relevant qualification criteria. The Agricultural University of Iceland reserves the right to reject all applications. All applications will be answered when a decision on recruitment has been reached. Wages are according to collective wage agreements of public employees.


Þekking á sviði sjálfbærrar nýtingar auðlinda, umhverfis, skipulags og matvælaframleiðslu.


Hvanneyri - 311 Borgarbyggð
Sími 433-5000
Kt. 411204-3590
Rafrænir reikningar



