Fóðrun búsmala fyrr á öldum. Fyrirlestur á ensku á Keldnaholti á föstudaginn

Góðir gestir frá Tékklandi flytja fyrirlestur í húsnæði Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands á Keldnaholti, föstudaginn 28. febrúar n.k. kl. 14. Fyrirlesturinn er á ensku. 
Dr. Michal Hejcman og Dr. Pavla Hejcmanová, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences:

Livestock feeding in the past: role of leaf fodder, annual twigs of woody plants, senescent grasses, Hedera helix and Viscum album, and its possible consequences for vegetation developement

Woody species played an important role in livestock feeding from the beginning of agriculture in Neolithic times up to the 19th Century in many Euroasian and North Atlantic regions. In order to study the use of woody species for livestock feeding and their nutritive value, we collected leaf fodder, winter annual twigs, bark, senescent leaves and senescent grassland biomass from Siberia through Central Europe up to Iceland and compared them with meadow hay. In all regions, Salix species belong to the best forage species. We invite you to listen to our fascinating story about livestock feeding in the past.

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